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Height Works Services During COVID-19


We have been actively trying to stay on top of the quickly changing updates pertaining to the COVID-19 virus pandemic and the impacts it is having on each of us both personally and professionally, globally, and locally here at home in Canada. 

Height Works takes the safety of our customers and staff very seriously.  As such we have been implementing measures to balance the health and well-being of our staff and their families, while also trying to balance the ongoing fall protection needs of our customers – and the health and well-being of your staff.


We are following the common industry practices and adhering to guidelines set out by Alberta Health Services and the Public Health Agency of Canada.


  1. Relocation of Staff - All our staff are now working from home-based offices, balancing work and family – as some of our staff now have children at home due to the closures of schools and childcare facilities.
  2. Fall Protection Equipment Sales - It is business as usual for customers to purchase fall protection equipment, as we sell our fall protection equipment online. We will continue to fulfill orders as Canada Post and/or other couriers continue to deliver.
  3. Quotes and RFP’s - It can remain business as usual for Height Works in providing new fall protection project strategies, quotes, and RFP’s as we can easily utilize any number of digital communication tools (telephone and video conferencing, and email) to meet each request.


  1. Annual Service Inspections & Repairs - We have many customers that are first responders working in Fire Departments or managing building maintenance and fall protection needs of residential, senior care or medical buildings, and hospitals. Our goal is to ensure that your critical fall protection needs are met during these challenging times, and as such will carefully arrange travel to any of our first responders or building manager customers to perform vital inspections and/or repair service work that is required to prevent fall protection injuries and/or death. For those non-critical annual service inspections, we’d like to ask that together we reschedule these annual inspection services for your organization at a date in the future, still to be determined.  As such we will continue to keep you updated on changes to our inspection services during this health crisis. 
  2. Travel for Site Visits - Previously we have actively travelled to attend project sites to assess projects, however, today travel for this activity has been paused. Rather we are asking our client partners to engage in using digital tools to share their fall protection needs with us, whether that be:  taking site / fall protection hazard photos, telephone and video conference calls, and email communications.  Switching proactively to using technology versus being personally present is our effort to participate in social distancing to try and “flatten the curve” during this health crisis.
  3. Installation Services - For new installation projects during this uncertain period, we will follow the following precautions for the health and safety of our technicians and your employees; our technicians have been instructed to:
  • avoid handshakes and to follow social distancing protocols whenever possible.
  • remain home if they feel unwell or have been around someone diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • request to be allowed to utilize hand-washing stations upon their arrival and prior to departure from your site/facility.
  • Increase cleaning for our vehicles and tools.

Moving forward, as we all follow the quickly changing environment we work and live in pertaining to the COVID-19 virus, we will continue to keep you up-to-date with any related changes at Height Works Ltd. Ongoing updates and information can be found here on this page.

Take good care,

Joel Morice

Founding Partner
Height Works Ltd.

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