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Fall Protection Solution for Commercial Bakery Project
Case Study
Project: Fall Protection Solution for Commercial Bakery Project
Client: Weston Foods, Calgary, AB
Ever wonder what types of fall protection challenges exist in a commercial bakery? Well, there’s a few. Especially when the bread oven being discussed is about 9ft tall and about 60ft wide and requires safe servicing by an expert maintenance team.
Height Works was hired by Weston Foods in Calgary, Alberta to resolve a work-at-heights issue for their maintenance personnel who maintain the working operations of their commercial bread ovens.
As Weston Foods has been in business for many years, their commercial space contains not only their bake ovens but other permanent structures and many HVAC obstructions. All these permanent structures had to be taken into consideration when evaluating our clients fall protection needs, combined with the structural installation capabilities of the fall protection systems being evaluated as best fit to overcome their current work-at-height issues.
With a variety of solutions available, our Height Works’ safety experts where able to identify a fall protection system solution that met our clients fall arrest needs, and at the same time could be installed without out having to move or disassemble any of the existing permanent structures.
As a result, Height Works was able to provide Weston Foods with a fall protection solution by installing four engineered Tether Track Systems by Gorbel , between 10ft to 60ft long that provided our clients’ maintenance team with a complete fall arrest solution. The Gorbel Tether Track System is a rigid, self-adjusting system that allows maintenance workers to work within the linear track, gliding hands free with minimal effort along the full length of the track. This system was very easy to install and very adaptable to our clients’ roof joist structure.